

One of the most important fibre crops in the world. Its fibre serves as raw material for the textile industry. The oil obtained from the seeds is used as food, and the cake is used as high-protein feed for livestock.

The yield of raw cotton in Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries is 2.5-2.7 t/ha, and the best farms received 4 t/ha or more.

The seeds together with the fibre are a product called raw cotton. The yield of fibre from raw cotton is on average 33-35%.

LeAsing Market

Leasing is an effective tool for updating fixed assets and is actively used in the world practice. In Kazakhstan, leasing activities are regulated by the Kazakhstan Law “On Financial Leasing” dated July 5, 2000, No. 78-II, the Kazakhstan Civil Code (Special Part) and the Kazakhstan Code “On Taxes and Other Obligatory Payments to the Budget (Tax Code)".

According to the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2023, the total value of financial leasing agreements amounted to 756.7 billion KZT and, if compared to 20211, the increase was 158.4%.

Key Leasing Indicators in Kazakhstan, bln kzt

The most attractive industries were agriculture, forestry and fisheries – 30.5% of the total value of financial leasing agreements, transport and warehousing – 39.3% and manufacturing – 15.7%.

At the same time, the leasing portfolio in the republic as a whole at the end of 2023 amounted to 1,806.5 billion KZT, and the volume of lease payments received on financial leasing reached 457.8 billion KZT.

1At the same time, the leasing portfolio in the republic as a whole at the end of 2023 amounted to 1,806.5 billion KZT, and the volume of lease payments received on financial leasing reached 457.8 billion KZT.

Number (units) and the cost of contracts (billion KZT) in the areas of use of financial leasing:

  Kazakhstan Agriculture, forestry
and fisheries
amount quantity amount quantity
Vehicles and equipment 416.1 3,133 1 17
Other machinery and equipment 340.2 8,509 230.2 8,264
of these, machines for agriculture and forestry 230.4 8,266 230.2 8,264
Other fixed assets 0.4 3    
Total 756.7 11,645 231.2 8,281

The Company
is the main agricultural
machinery lessor.


In 2023, the Company leased 7,710 units of equipment in the amount of 177.9 billion KZT (under financial leasing agreements), their share is 77.3% of the total volume of leasing in the agro-industrial complex in Kazakhstan.

Thus, during its activity from January 1, 2000 to January 1, 2024, the purchase of more than 79 thousand units of agricultural machinery and equipment for a total amount of 1,243 billion KZT was financed. The leased equipment processes 15 million ha of cultivated land.

Subsidizing interest rates under a number of government programs has become the best driver for SME business growth. At the same time, the Company participates in the implementation of the following state programs (the administrator of these programs is the Kazakhstan Ministry of Agriculture):

  • subsidizing interest rates for lending to the agro-industrial complex entities, as well as leasing for the purchase of agricultural animals, machinery and technological equipment;
  • subsidizing the reimbursement of part of the costs incurred by the agro-industrial complex entity in case of investment.

Currently, 10 leasing companies are engaged in leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment:

  1. KazAgroFinance JSC
  2. Industrial Development Fund JSC
  3. TechnoLeasing LLP
  4. Halyk Leasing JSC
  5. Halyk Leasing JSC
  6. NUR LEASING Leasing Company
  7. Kazakhstan Ijara Company JSC (KIC)
  8. ComTransLeasing LLP
  9. Subsidiary of Bank Center Credit JSC
  10. Expert-leasing LLP.

Due to the wide distribution of state support tools, the leasing market in Kazakhstan is showing stable growth. Companies that have special programs for leasing agricultural machinery and equipment offer the following financing conditions:

Leasing companies Asset financing Conditions
Financing period Interest rate Co-financing
Industrial Development Fund JSC Equipment for the manufacturing industry, domestically produced 3-10 years 3% (from 50 million to 5 billion KZT for light industry projects) not less than 15%
9% (from 80 million to 20 billion KZT)
TechnoLeasing LLP Agricultural machinery and equipment 3-5 years from 22.25% from 20%
Under the DAMU program (agricultural machinery, road construction equipment and special equipment for lease) up to 7 years no more than 19.5% from 30%
Halyk Leasing JSC Agricultural machinery up to 5 years 24.25% (at least the base rate of the National Bank of Kazakhstan +7.5%) (for the client – 6% of the MoA) from 20%
Equipment up to 5 years 19.5% from 20%
Halyk Leasing JSC Leasing group Special equipment (including agricultural machinery), freight transport and cars up to 5 years from 20% per annum (from the base rate of the National Bank of Kazakhstan +5%) from 20%
Subsidiary of Nurbank JSC Nur Leasing Leasing Company (NUR LEASING) Leasing of trucks, special equipment, equipment, production complexes, etc. from 3 years from 19.75% from 20%
Under the DAMU program up to 7 years 19% per annum from 20%
Kazakhstan Ijara Company JSC (KIC LEASING) Harvesting machines, sowing machines, irrigation machines from 3 and above individually from 20%
ComTransLeasing LLP Leasing for Belarus tractors up to 5 years 23% from 25%
Center Leasing Leasing Company LLP Subsidiary of Bank Center Credit JSC Agricultural machinery up to 5 years 20,25% 25%
Expert-leasing LLP Agricultural machinery from 3 years 19.5% per annum (at least the base rate of the National Bank of Kazakhstan +5%) not less than 20%

Source: Internet resources of companies


Funded clients
in 2023

1,406.3 bln KZT Invested
in the AIC from 2000 to 2023

Operating Results

    2022 2023 Dynamics  
Amount of Financing 172.8 Bln KZT 178.8* Bln KZT 3.5%
Quantity of Machinery 6,806 units 7,710 units 13,3%
Including KZ Machinery 4,250 units 4,142 units 2.5%
Loan Portfolio 423 Bln KZT 477.9 Bln KZT 13.0%
NPL 90+ 8.17% 8.13% 0.5%
Provisions 10.36% 10.85% 0.5%
Quantity of Clients 10,983 AP 13,234 AP 20.5%

* Amount is calculated using the cash method

From 2009 to 2016, KazAgroFinance acted as an operator for financing investment projects, including those implemented at the expense of the NF RK. Since 2017, the Company has been concentrating its activities particularly on leasing of agricultural machinery.

Investment Dynamics in 2020-2023, bln KZT


From 2000 to 2023, the Company invested about 1,405.5 billion KZT in the AIC, including equipment leasing and loans, under previously financed investment projects.

Dynamics of Quantitative Indicators of the Company, units

of equipment
2021 2022 2023 Total 2000-2023
unit amount,
mln KZT
unit amount,
mln KZT
unit amount,
mln KZT
unit amount,
mln KZT
Sowing machines 258 10,515 190 8,547 191 8,017 2,168 76,859
Tractors 2,431 45,521 2,896 65,308 2,846 63,689 24,597 268,477
Combines 633 44,408 507 57,375 512 55,946 13,030 388,176
Seeders 258 7,513 283 9,251 172 6,478 3,654 40,058
Other machinery 3,696 33,669 2,930 32,355 3,989 43,858 32,687 194,229
Equipment             604 58,897
Equipment 7,276 141,626 6,806 172,836 7,710 177,988 76,740 1,204,685

Number of clients by business size, units


By the end of 2023, the clients in the Company's portfolio were 13,234, which is 20.5% more than in 2022 (10,983 agricultural commodity producers). The predominant share is occupied by small and medium-sized businesses – 13,187 clients, which is about 99.6%.

Leasing Structure by Financing Programs

Program Number of agreements Number of equipment, units Equipment value, mln KZT
"Master Leasing" 438 905 52,493.9
"Express Leasing" 2,190 2,627 42,541.9
"Made in Kazakhstan" 429 479 17,049.5
"Reliable Farmer" 12 13 512.7
"Preferential Leasing" 295 333 15,162.9
"Leasing of machinery and vehicles (VB)" 1,002 1,334 37,131.2
"Zhasyl Onim" 122 139 2,267.9
"Own Feed" 1,694 1,880 10,828.6
Total: 6,182 7,710 177,988.5

Source: Company data

Structure of Clients
in the Portfolio
by Region in

The Turkestan, West Kazakhstan and Atkobe regions have more than a thousand clients in the Company's regional client map.

Source: Company data


Key Financial Indicators, mln KZT

  2023 2022
Cash and cash equivalents 43,801 64,764
Funds from credit institutions - 62
Loans to the clients 8,111 13,287
Finance lease receivables 448,424 381,874
Stocks 3,043 2,870
Fixed assets 872 973
Other assets 19,052 10,512
Total assets 523,303 474,342
Debt to the Shareholder 17,641 22,062
Debt to Baiterek NMH JSC 12,424 11,584
Funds of credit institutions 34,081 30,638
Debt securities issued 210,268 206,717
Government subsidies 43,518 27,026
Other liabilities 19,802 19,365
Total liabilities 337,734 317,392
Equity 185,569 156,950
ROA 3.79 4.65
ROE 11.05 13.55
Book value of one ordinary share (in KZT) 1,800.48 1,889.28
bln KZT 2023 2022 2023 by 2022, %
Income, total 72.7 59.0 123.28
Remuneration income 71.5 58.1 122.98
Expenses, total 53.8 37.9 141.73
Remuneration expenses 34.5 28.8 119.65
Expenses for provision 12.1 3.3 363.36
CIT 0.0 0.4 0.47
Net income 18.9 20.6 91.80

KazAgroFinance continues demonstrating positive financial performance, reflecting successful operations in the agricultural sector, financial stability and consistent development of the Company.